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Co-financed by Greece and the European Union

Purpose and Objectives

Innovation.start-ups is an initiative to support and guide potential young entrepreneurs with the aim of promoting the creation of New and Innovative Micro-Enterprises in Western Athens.

It recommends an innovative action of local government, which is part of the upgrading of the business environment, pilot in Western Athens, through the SUD/ISI 2014-2020 and aims in particular to support integrated entrepreneurship and the creation of new and innovative micro-enterprises.

Strong innovation of the Project is the intermunicipal environment for the development of digital functions and services, which go beyond the local scale and administrative boundaries of a single Municipality, enhancing the interaction of information, behaviors and applications, in the context of work and production in Western Athens.

The aim of innovation.start-ups is to create the conditions and favorable operating environment in Western Athens and beyond, in which new entrepreneurs will be attracted to support the creation of new and innovative micro-enterprises (strart-ups).

The advantages of the method in terms of the advisory entrepreneurship of small and micro enterprises and/or start-ups:

Best Manage Existing Resources

Small and medium-sized enterprises often lack sufficient resources, so making the most of them should be optimized always with a view to maximizing productivity and profitability.

Personalized approach.

The services provided are supported and (re)tailored to the needs of the recipients and not to forecasts or fixed strategies.


Through interaction with potential or existing clients and partners (re)the Action Plan is formulated.

The objectives of innovation.start-ups are:

strengthening the productive and business system of the country

encouraging the creation of new businesses

the technological and organizational upgrading of existing businesse

The expected benefits of implementing innovation.start-ups are:

building a business environment conducive to the development of young and innovative micro-entrepreneurship and, in particular, micro-entrepreneurship, as a basis for launching a multitude of new out-of-the-box idea

attract and enlarge the target group of potential new entrepreneurs and attract and retain talent, freely, without any geographical or other conditions

coordinating guidance and ensuring synergies to promote business ideas and translate them into successful practices

In particular, within the framework of innovation.start-ups, they are developed and implemented

FREE Digitized Original Tools, Information Material and Good Practices in Innovation to inform and strengthen the capacity of young entrepreneurs

FREE only online business advisory and guidance services, so that new entrepreneurs without restrictions acquire the necessary business sensibilities and skills to advance in the processes and steps of establishing micro-business with innovation elements and direct market orientation

Information, networking, scientific support for potential entrepreneurs, but interconnection of new micro-enterprises with larger, existing enterprises.

The methodology is based on the provision of one-to-one, customized services, during which various data are collected that will form the basis for a personalized action plan.

e-mentoring services can also be provided in a group context.

e-mentoring services can also be provided in a group context:

  • Leverages scarce yet secure resources.
  • He knows ways and techniques to develop his business and how these will be weapons in his quiver and in the future.
  • He admits that the success of his business is a personal bet.

Specifically, the services provided are structured around 4 stages:









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